
How Changes in the U.S. Dollar Impact the Price of Gold Worldwide

Big changes are happening in the world of money, and they’re affecting gold. You might have heard about something called “de-dollarization.” It’s a big word, but it basically means that people are using the U.S. dollar less in the world. This is shaking things up in the gold market. In this article, we’ll look at how these changes are affecting the price of gold worldwide.

Understanding De-Dollarization:
De-dollarization is when people around the world decide they don’t want to use the U.S. dollar as much. This is happening because of things like trade disputes, sanctions, and the rise of new ways to pay for things without using dollars.

Dollar and Gold History:
A long time ago, the U.S. dollar and gold were closely connected. But that’s changed over the years. The U.S. dollar used to be like a special currency that everyone wanted. That made the price of gold go up or down based on the dollar’s value.

What It Means for Gold Prices:
Now, let’s talk about how all of this affects the price of gold. When the U.S. dollar gets weaker, gold tends to get more expensive. That’s because people like to buy gold when they’re worried that their money might lose value. It’s like a safety net for their savings.

Other Currencies and Gold:
There are new currencies like the euro, Chinese yuan, and even cryptocurrencies that are starting to compete with the U.S. dollar. They’re becoming more popular for trading gold. This means they can also affect gold prices.

What Central Banks Are Doing:
Some big banks in different countries are changing the money they keep in their vaults. Instead of holding lots of U.S. dollars, they’re buying more gold. This can affect how much gold is available and how much it costs.

Why Politics Matter:
Political stuff, like fights between countries and rules that restrict trade, can also make people worried about the dollar. When that happens, they often turn to gold as a safe way to protect their money.

Challenges and Opportunities:
All these changes create challenges and chances for people who deal with gold. It’s a big deal for countries that mine gold, people who invest in it, and even folks who buy jewelry or coins.

To sum it up, the world is using the U.S. dollar less, and this is shaking things up in the gold market. When the dollar gets weaker, gold tends to get more valuable. Other currencies are also getting in on the gold action. This affects the prices you see for gold. It’s all part of a bigger story that’s still unfolding.


The Shifting Sands of Gold: A Look at its Past Performance and Future Potential

Gold, the age-old symbol of wealth and prosperity, has captivated the human imagination for centuries. Its allure lies not only in its aesthetic appeal but also in its historical significance as a store of value. The price of gold has experienced remarkable fluctuations over time, driven by a multitude of factors ranging from economic conditions to geopolitical tensions. In this article, we delve into the past performance of gold prices and explore the potential scenarios that might shape its future trajectory.

The Historical Roller Coaster:
The journey of gold prices has been nothing short of a roller coaster ride. Over the past few decades, it has displayed remarkable resilience in the face of economic upheavals. The 1970s witnessed a surge in gold prices as the United States abandoned the gold standard, leading to a period of high inflation and economic uncertainty. The 1980s and 1990s saw relatively stable prices as economies regained their footing.

The Turn of the Millennium:
As the new millennium dawned, gold prices entered a period of sustained growth. The early 2000s were marked by a confluence of events – the dot-com bubble burst, geopolitical tensions, and a growing demand from emerging economies. These factors propelled gold prices to new heights, culminating in the historic peak in 2011.

The Global Financial Crisis and Beyond:
The 2008 global financial crisis sent shockwaves through the world economy, prompting investors to flock to the perceived safety of gold. In the subsequent years, central banks embarked on quantitative easing programs, further bolstering gold’s appeal as a hedge against inflation and currency devaluation.

Future Potential:
Predicting the future price of gold is a challenging task, as it is influenced by an intricate interplay of economic, geopolitical, and market-specific factors. Some key considerations for gold’s potential in the future include:

  1. Economic Conditions: Gold often performs well during economic uncertainties. If economies face downturns or inflationary pressures, the demand for gold as a safe haven may rise.
  2. Interest Rates and Central Bank Policies: The stance of central banks, particularly regarding interest rates, can impact gold prices. Low interest rates can make non-yielding assets like gold more attractive.
  3. Geopolitical Tensions: Political instability and global conflicts tend to drive up demand for gold as investors seek stability in uncertain times.
  4. Currency Fluctuations: Gold is often seen as a hedge against currency fluctuations. A weakening currency can drive up the price of gold.
  5. Supply and Demand: The availability of new gold reserves, as well as shifts in consumer and investor demand, can significantly influence prices.
  6. Technological Advancements: The use of gold in various industrial applications, like electronics, can impact its demand and price.

The story of gold’s past performance is a tale of resilience and adaptability. From its use as currency in ancient civilizations to its role as a hedge against modern financial uncertainties, gold’s value has endured the test of time. While its future trajectory remains uncertain, the potential for gold to retain its allure as a safe haven and a store of value cannot be dismissed. As the global economy continues to evolve, gold’s shimmering potential in portfolios may continue to capture the attention of investors worldwide.


Keeping Gold: What The Future Holds

Investing in gold has always intrigued individuals seeking stability and growth. To help you grasp the potential of gold investment, we’ve crafted this guide for you. Let’s journey through what shapes the future of gold investment so you can make informed decisions.

  1. Gold’s Past Patterns:
    Imagine gold as a story that’s been unfolding for centuries. We’ll delve into how it’s responded to past events, both global and local, and discover if history might offer clues to future trends.
  2. The Money Talk:
    Let’s chat about numbers. We’ll explore how things like inflation, interest rates, and economic growth can nudge gold’s price in different directions.
  3. World on Edge:
    Geopolitics, a fancy word for global politics, can greatly influence gold’s fate. We’ll decode how world events, from trade disputes to crises, can make gold shine even brighter.
  4. Banker’s Touch:
    Central banks have a say in the gold story too. We’ll break down how their decisions about money supply and interest rates can play a part in the gold market’s twists and turns.
  5. Emotions in the Market:
    Investors can be like a crowd at a concert—excited, cautious, or downright uncertain. We’ll explore how emotions and demand drive gold’s price rollercoaster.
  6. Tech & Gold:
    Tech isn’t just for gadgets; it’s changing gold too. We’ll reveal how digital platforms and technology innovations are shaking up how people invest in gold.
  7. Gold’s Special Magic:
    Think of gold as a superhero in your investment team. We’ll discuss why its unique qualities, like being tangible and steady, can make your investment lineup stronger.

Investing in gold isn’t just about shiny metal. It’s about understanding the world around it. This guide has given you a peek into gold’s world—past, present, and possible future. As you explore the possibilities, remember that knowledge is your best compass. Stay curious, stay informed, and let the story of gold investment unfold with you.


Investing in Gold: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

In times of economic uncertainty and market volatility, investors often turn to gold as a safe-haven asset. But what exactly is gold investing, and how can it benefit you? In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the basics of investing in gold, explaining everything in simple terms to help you make informed decisions.

Understanding Gold as an Asset
Gold has been treasured throughout history for its beauty and rarity. As an investment, gold serves as a store of value and a hedge against inflation. Unlike stocks or bonds, which represent ownership in companies or debt, gold is a physical commodity that retains its worth over time.

Reasons to Invest in Gold:
a. Diversification: Gold adds diversification to your investment portfolio, reducing overall risk. It often moves differently from traditional assets, such as stocks and bonds, providing a cushion during market downturns.
b. Safe-Haven Asset: During times of economic turmoil or geopolitical uncertainty, gold tends to perform well as investors seek stability and preservation of wealth.
c. Hedge Against Inflation: As the value of fiat currencies erodes due to inflation, gold’s purchasing power remains relatively stable, making it an effective hedge against rising prices.

Different Ways to Invest in Gold
a. Physical Gold: Investors can buy physical gold in the form of coins or bars. Owning physical gold provides direct ownership and control of the asset. Trusted options for purchasing physical gold include reputable dealers and mints, such as The Perth Mint Australia and other LBMA-accredited providers.
b. Gold ETFs: Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) are investment funds that hold gold bullion. Investing in gold ETFs allows you to gain exposure to gold’s price movements without owning physical gold. Some trusted gold ETFs include SPDR Gold Shares (GLD) and iShares Gold Trust (IAU).
c. Gold Mining Stocks: Investing in gold mining companies allows you to profit from the potential rise in gold prices while also benefiting from company performance. Consider reputable mining companies with a strong track record and solid financials.

Factors Affecting Gold Prices
a. Supply and Demand: Changes in gold production, central bank policies, and industrial demand influence the supply and demand dynamics of gold.
b. Economic Factors: Interest rates, inflation rates, and overall economic performance can impact gold prices.
c. Geopolitical Events: Political and geopolitical tensions can cause fluctuations in gold prices as investors seek safe-haven assets.

Risks of Investing in Gold
a. Price Volatility: Like any investment, gold prices can be volatile and subject to short-term fluctuations.
b. Market Sentiment: Changes in investor sentiment and market perceptions can influence gold prices.
c. Storage and Insurance Costs: Physical gold ownership requires secure storage and may involve insurance expenses.

Investing in gold can be a valuable addition to your investment strategy, providing stability and diversification to your portfolio. By understanding the reasons for investing in gold, the various investment options available, and the factors affecting gold prices, you can make well-informed decisions and navigate the world of gold investing with confidence.

Remember to conduct thorough research, consult with financial professionals if needed, and never invest more than you can afford to lose. Happy investing in the golden opportunity that is gold!

(Note: This article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice. Always conduct your due diligence before making any investment decisions.)


Discovering Silver and Gold: Valuable Investments for Everyday People

When it comes to investing, there are unique options called commodities that can diversify your portfolio and potentially bring you returns. Two popular commodities are silver and gold, which have a long history of being valuable and trusted assets. In this article, we’ll explore how silver and gold can be excellent choices for investment, and we’ll explain their features, benefits, and things to consider for everyday investors like you.

Understanding Silver Investments:
Silver, often known as “the poor man’s gold,” has its own appeal in the investment world. Let’s explore some key aspects of investing in silver:
• Historical Importance: Silver has been used as money and a way to store value for centuries. It continues to be relevant today due to its many industrial applications.
• Supply and Demand: The amount of silver available and the demand for it can affect its value. Factors like industrial usage, technology advancements, and the overall global economy play a role in determining silver’s market performance.
• Ways to Invest: You can invest in silver through different options, such as buying physical silver coins or bars, investing in silver-focused funds, buying shares of silver mining companies, or trading silver futures contracts. Each option has its own advantages and things to consider.

The Appeal of Gold Investments:
Gold has always fascinated investors with its timeless allure and reputation as a safe-haven asset. Let’s explore some basics of investing in gold:
• Protecting Your Wealth: Gold has a history of maintaining its value over time, making it a reliable way to protect your money from inflation, currency fluctuations, and economic uncertainties.
• Diversifying Your Investments: Gold is an excellent choice for diversifying your investment portfolio. It tends to have a different pattern of value changes compared to traditional investments like stocks and bonds.
• Ways to Invest: You can invest in gold through various avenues, such as buying physical gold coins or bars, investing in gold-focused funds, purchasing shares of gold mining companies, or trading gold futures contracts. Each option has its own benefits and considerations.

Factors to Consider:
Before investing in silver or gold, it’s important to keep these factors in mind:
• Market Trends and Analysis: Stay informed about market trends, economic indicators, and global events that can impact the prices of silver and gold. Conduct research or seek advice from a financial professional to make informed investment decisions.
• Risks and Volatility: Investing in commodities like silver and gold comes with risks and price fluctuations. Consider your tolerance for risk and develop an investment strategy that aligns with your financial goals.
• Storage and Security: If you choose to invest in physical silver or gold, think about how you will store and secure your precious metals. Consider options like safe deposit boxes or reputable storage facilities.

Remember, investing in silver and gold can be a valuable addition to your investment journey. By understanding these commodities and considering the factors mentioned, you can make informed decisions that align with your financial goals.


Exploring Investment Opportunities for Beginners

Building long-term wealth requires exploring investment opportunities. In this article, we’ll cover various options, their benefits, and how each of them can help you to achieve financial success.

  1. Stocks
    Own a piece of companies investing in stocks means owning a part of a company, with potential for growth and dividends.
  2. Bonds
    Stable Income Generation Bonds are loans you provide in exchange for regular interest payments and return of principal at maturity.
  3. Mutual Funds
    Diversification is made easy through mutual funds pool money from multiple investors to invest in a variety of assets, offering instant diversification.
  4. Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)
    This is similar to mutual funds but traded on stock exchanges that provides flexibility and diversification.
  5. Real Estate
    Tangible Assets and Income Potential Investing in real estate offers income through rent or property value appreciation.
  6. Commodities
    Preserving Value and Managing Risks Commodities like gold and silver act as a hedge against inflation and uncertainties, preserving value.
  7. Retirement Accounts
    Planning for the Future Retirement accounts provide tax advantages while helping you save for retirement through various investment options.
  8. Alternative Investments
    Exploring Unique Opportunities Alternative investments like hedge funds, private equity, and cryptocurrency offer different avenues for potential returns.

By exploring commodities, retirement accounts, and alternative investments, you can create a diversified portfolio and work towards financial success. Remember to conduct research, seek advice, and stay informed to make informed decisions aligned with your goals. Start your with your option today and reap the benefits of smart financial planning.


Assessing Your Financial Situation


  • 4-minute read

In the previous article of this series, we explained how you can set your financial or investment goal. Once you’re clear about your goal, the next step would be assessing your financial situation to achieve your financial goal.

Assessing your financial situation is always a good idea especially if you’re planning to get your hands on some business or investment ventures. Doing this will help you determine whether you are liquid enough and if you have that spare cash to spend.  This is where you will need to reconcile your expenses with your income. This is, also, where you determine whether you have assets that can bring profit in the future, other sources of income, and the liabilities that you incur along with these assets and businesses. By doing so, you’ll have a clearer view of where you can save more on expenses, and whether you can pay off the debt load you incurred while you acquire your assets and other investments or businesses.

To know whether you financial situation is in the pink of health or not, you can take this quiz from Rutgers’ New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Stations (NJAES).

If you score 60 points or below, it’s high time you consider putting your finances in order. You can easily follow the steps below to kickstart your financial assessment.

  • First, add up your sources of income – to be specific, take note of how much you bring home once taxes and other deductions are taken out.
Source: CA$HFLOW online board game
  • The next step would be to make a list of your expenses. List down your monthly expenditures. You can divide this into those that you pay for monthly that have fixed cost such as your utilities and rent; and those regular items whose cost will likely change from month to month such as food, clothing, entertainment, and etc.

Then list down the other activities or items that you would likely spend on within the month such as scheduled movie night, materials for a new hobby, and so on.

  • Deduct your expenses from your income. As much as possible, try to fit in your expenses within your salary if that’s your primary source of income. Secondary sources of income or passive income should, ideally, be for the purpose of building your wealth portfolio. Nonetheless, your total sources of income should be more than your expenses.
  • List down your assets and/or businesses and the corresponding liabilities you incurred while acquiring these assets and/or business. If your assets and/or business are earning, add the monthly profits, dividends or interests you get to your monthly income. As for the liabilities, make sure to add the corresponding monthly mortgages or loans you’re paying to your expenses.

If you know the board game CA$HFLOW, you’ll be familiar with the Income Statement sheet that you fill out at the start of the game and during the game. As you play along, you’ll also need to update your financial statement from time to time – you may need to get a loan to buy a property, sell your stocks, add to your expenses like having a child or buying a car, give loans to your relatives, and etc. The goal is for your passive income to exceed your expenses, so you’ll be out of the rat race and be able to achieve your dream.

You can easily get such a financial statement online. You can also follow the format of CA$HFLOW’s Financial Statement. Having such a tool can help you easily track your expenses, income, and assets. With this, you’ll know how much money you can dispose of for expenses or investment. And should you need a loan, you’ll easily know how much cash will remain in your pocket after paying off your monthly loan payments.

In the fifth part of our Financial Planning Series, we will further discuss your income and expenses, and how you can set up your budget plan based on this. You may check the article here.

You can check the third part of our Financial Planning Series, “Goal Setting”, here.

You can also watch our Financial Planning Series videos here.  

Setting a goal

Setting Your Financial Goal

Setting your Financial Goal is the second video of our Financial Planning e-learning series.

For other related content, please check our Knowledge Hub page at

If you’re interested to know more about our e-learning offerings, just follow this link

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Goal Setting


  • 3-minute read

In the last part, we talked about the importance of planning. In this part, we will now discuss the first step in financial planning, which is setting your goal.

Every plan starts with a goal.

A goal is what you are planning for. It is your WHY, WHERE and WHAT: Why do you do what you do? Why do you want to invest? What do you want to achieve? Where do you see yourself 5 or 10 years from now.

Goal is like the location in your map that’s marked X. It’s what you want to achieve at the end of your journey. For example, your goal every morning is to get to your office on time. Thus your office is your X.

However, when planning, you cannot simply put just any goal. It has to be a SMART goal – it must be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic/Relevant, and Time-bound.

For example, when buying a car, you don’t simply say, “I’ll buy a car”, and then buy just any brand and model you set your eyes on, unless you have unlimited resources to splurge on.

Usually when we buy a car, we first check out the brand and model that we prefer. We also factor in our budget, and to some extent, a justification of why we need to buy a car.

Let’s say, all things considered, you’ve finally decided to buy a car. You then set your goal as follows:

To buy a red 2020 Perodua Bezza 1.0 Standard G – A/T in 2 years time.

Going back to the SMART Goal test, you should be able to answer these questions:

  • Is it specific?

The color of the car is specified, as well as the brand, model and other specifics such as the year it was made, the transmission, and etc. The timeline of the goal is also mentioned, which is 2 years.

  • Is it measurable?

It is measurable as you can easily track your progress as to how much money do you need to save to buy this car that you want and how much time do you need to save that money.

It is measurablel because other specifications of the car that you want are already mentioned, such as the color, the engine type, transmission type and etc.

  • Is it attainable?

It’s not like you’re planning to buy a spaceship in 2 year’s time given your current salary. It’s a car that’s below RM 40,000, which you plan to buy after 2 years of saving up.

  • Is it realistic or relevant?

It is realistic as you know you are capable of buying this car. It is also relevant, especially if you work and live in Malaysia, wherein owning a car is somehow a necessity.

  • Is it time-bound?

It is time-bound. You are giving yourself a deadline of 2 years to buy that car.  

When setting a goal for your financial plans, you can follow the steps above. Don’t simply set a goal such as “To have a better future”. Your investment or financial goal could be to pay off your RM20,000 loan in 3 years or to set up your milk tea franchise worth RM100,000 in five years time inside Queen’s Bay Mall – the key is to be specific as much as possible.

Next we’ll be talking about assessing your financial situation to achieve your goal. We will discuss the steps on how you can do it and some tools you can use to make this process easy and quick for busy people like you.

You can check the second part of our Financial Planning Series, “Financial Habits in Malaysia and Around the World”, here.

You can also watch the first video of our Financial Planning Series here.  

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Financial Planning For Everyone

Our Financial Planning for Everyone video is the first part of our Financial Planning e-learning series.

For other related content, please check our Knowledge Hub page at


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